S.R. A1A Strategic Plan Study
Flagler, Volusia & Brevard Counties, FL
Client/Project Owner:
FDOT District 5​
Phase I Completed in 2023
Supporting Communities and Providing for ALL Modes of Travel
FDOT is committed to enhancing the safety and mobility of residents and visitors with Complete Streets principles. The comprehensive, 360° approach to transportation planning, design, construction, and operations focuses on identifying the right solutions for communities based on the needs and desires of all roadway users who live there. This context-sensitive approach is a new standard across all FDOT districts and results in streets that ensure the mobility of people and goods, support economic development, and preserve the quality of our environment and communities.
The diversity of travelers S.R. A1A serves require that it supports the needs of all users while at the same time maintain the aesthetics and safety conditions the surrounding communities deserve.
As part of FDOT's ongoing resurfacing program, State Road (SR) A1A will be re-paved from Melbourne Beach to Cape Canaveral over the next five years. Before resurfacing plans are crystalized, the S.R. A1A Strategic Plan Study, through extensive community outreach, will explore new aesthetic, safety and efficiency elements that can be implemented during the resurfacing process.
This project will develop a plan for S.R. A1A that identifies the community’s vision for the corridor and align it with FDOT's resurfacing program. This study seeks to create a cohesive complete street plan for S.R A1A considering the needs of all users in Flagler, Volusia and Brevard Counties.
Urbe Studio is participating on this project as part of the Dix-Hite team - providing support through the following project phases: Existing Conditions Analysis, Public Involvement, and Preliminary Concept Development and Alternatives Analysis.

Livable Transportation
Community Engagement
Community Workshops​
Stakeholder Facilitation
Walking Audits
Multimodal Corridor Planning
Complete Streets Alternatives Development
Traffic Calming
Public Meetings